Broken Angel - Episode 8

Personal Project
All Aspects
3D - Houdini / Redshift, 2D - Nuke, After Effects, Resolume
Audio - go to "Audio / bits & pieces" section for list of gear used
This is an ongoing episodic piece that I'm making called Broken Angel. It is an attempt to bring audio and abstract (ish) visuals together in a variety of interesting and/or affecting ways. There's a wider explanation in the other ones.
This is the 8th episode in the series, 7th to be completed. This one's a bit different, as it's mostly live action footage of audio generated visuals projected into various suspended fluids (paints, milk) in a tank.There's some cg in there, and some 2D work, but it's mostly real.
Real footage shot with Panasonic GH5, Olympus Macro. Audio-generated projections generated in Resolume. Additional 3D in Houdini, 2D in Nuke / After effects. Music in Ableton